Volume 4, Issue 3

Cover Pages

An Introduction to SCLS

Use of Parliamentary Debates in Statutory Interpretation: The unclear position of Bangladesh judiciary
-M Jashim Ali Chowdhury

Applying the Functional Necessity Test to the Immunity of Diplomats’ Family Members: Dunn-Sacoolas Incident between the UK and USA
-Ahmed Ragib Chowdhury

Industrial Property Protection Under Trips Agreement: Bangladesh Perspective
-Anik Barua

An Evaluation of Insanity Defense in Criminal Justice System
-Mehrab Hasan

Intermediary Liability on the Internet: Adequacy of Bangladesh’s Legal Framework on Cyber Crime
-S.M. Shakib, Noor Afrose

The Threat of Hate Speech: Social Media and The Inadequacies of our Laws
-Jarin Tasnim Urbi, Ummay Nadia

Loopholes of the Arbitration Act: Barriers to smooth resolution of International Commercial Disputes
-Gargi Das Chomok